
Proudly serving Central and Southern Maryland including Prince George’s County, Charles County, Calvert County, Anne Arundel County, St. Mary’s County, Montgomery County, and others on request


  • House Location Drawings, Site Plans, and Plot Plans
  • Boundary and Topographical Surveying
  • ALTA Surveys
  • Construction Stakeouts
  • Subdivision and Condominium Platting
  • As-Built Surveying
  • Lot Line Adjustments
  • Legal Descriptions
  • Subdivision Plats and Easement Documents


  • Stormwater Management and Storm Drain Design
  • Floodplain Studies
  • Grading Plans
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
  • Water Distribution System Analysis and Design
  • Water and Sanitary Sewer Design
  • Septic System Design
  • Gravity and Pressure Sewer Collector Systems
  • Wetland Delineation
  • Earthwork Analysis
  • Cost Estimates
  • Urban Design
  • Rural Design
  • Roadway Design


  • Project Development Planning
  • Site Access Analysis
  • Land Entitlements
  • Zoning Analysis
  • Rezoning and Zoning Changes
  • Development Cost Projection and Analysis
  • Commercial Development Planning
  • Industrial Development Planning
  • Comprehensive Design Planning
  • Large-lot Rural Subdivisions
  • Conventional Residential Subdivisions
  • Cluster Subdivisions
  • Single Lot Home Development
  • Lot Consolidation
  • Site Development Planning
  • Tree Conservation Plans
  • Natural Resources Inventory Mapping
  • Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Plans
  • Expert Planning Testimony before regulatory boards, agency boards, and councils


  • Grading Permits
  • Bond Release
  • Use and Occupancy Permits
  • Fencing Permits
  • Driveway Permits
  • Wetland Permits
  • NPDES and MDE Permits
  • Sign Permits
  • Permit Renewals
  • Violation assistance